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2014 NYS Sheep and Wool Festival, Rhinebeck, NY

The NYS Sheep and Wool Festival has come and gone.  It is the most fabulous weekend.  Kind of like my Christmas.  I always enter my hand spun yarn and hand knitted garments in the competitions.  This year was the highlight for me.  My FIRST BLUE RIBBON for hand spun yarn!!  Something I’ve been striving for and many years in the making.  Since I am a self-taught spinner this blue ribbon was an accomplishment beyond  belief!  The fleece was from my favorite ewe Meg.  She is a Border Leicester and has the most beautiful roving to spin.  And, her natural color is gorgeous!  I love you Meg!!

Aside from my personal achievements, the festival was terrific.  I took a hand carding class on Sunday which was very good and of course the vendors were great not to mention the inspiration and knowledge gained!  Looking forward to next year already.

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